
EuTriWeek: the start of the project after the kick-off meeting in Prague


During the Europe Triathlon Presidents' Conference held today in Prague, the Project Eu Tri Week conceived by FITRI, winner of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Sport call, has started with a contribution of 450,000 euros of European funds for the development of a capillary growth activity, international dissemination and collaboration aimed at young people aged 14 to 16 and youth technicians.

The plan proposed by FITRI - the first European sports federation to have won this type of call - in collaboration with 9 other European partner federations (Spain, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Malta, Portugal, Serbia) in addition to Europe Triathlon, will start today, February 18, 2024, and will develop for 18 months.

The project, which aims to raise awareness of the role of sport in promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities and greater participation in sport by young Europeans, provides a training course for technicians, a European Open Day at the same time with 102 participating clubs with an involvement of over 4000 young people, social sharing seminars to develop the Guidelines for an increasingly inclusive sport, a Triathlon Camp in Rome for 40 athletes (20 members + 20 non-members from the Open Day) and a European Triathlon competition organized on the occasion of the World Triathlon Cup in Rome 2024.

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